Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Diamond Rewards Logo

Our new look logo for Diamond Rewards!

What do you think? We would love your feedback and comments.

We will also be releasing our Platinum Kits for Sales Success in February - Register your interest today.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Answering your questions in respect to Diamond Cash Club AU.

From the outset I have been upfront and honest with everyone in regards to my association with Diamond Cash Club AU.

As all of you are aware, I have previously been affiliated with Network Marketing, Digital Marketing, IT, Direct Selling and MLM Products and this experience I bring to the table enabling our success with Diamond Rewards.

Diamond Cash Club AU was a very successful program that was initially founded by myself and two other partners in 2006. I was a Director in this company when it began and I believe I was integral in the success of this program.

Many people became extremely wealthy with Diamond Cash Club AU and this program was a huge success internationally.

In August of 2007 I was requested to resign as Director due to a conflict with my business associates. Upon my resignation I did continue to assist existing members and provide support as a gesture of goodwill.

After August 2007 I no longer had any rights, holdings or interest in Diamond Cash Club AU.

In February/March 2008, I am unsure of the exact timeline, Diamond Cash Club was placed into receivership and the remaining Directors went underground.

Many members will remember this as an extremely frustrating time. With the difficulty in getting answers, making contact with anybody from the program and the absence of any explanation.

Throughout this time I was however available, answering all emails and telephone calls. I did assist many people with their inquiries and even helped in bringing a class action against the two Directors and the Company, incurring legal costs myself.

Unfortunately we did not achieve our desired outcome and after 12 months we simply had to cut our losses.

At no time have I denied my association in the founding of Diamond Cash Club AU and you will notice that my cell phone, skype, email and yahoo contacts are still the same.

I do hope this answers any questions or concerns you may have had and please feel free to email me or call my cell if you wish to discuss any other facet of this further.

Yours sincerely,


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Eight Steps on Your Road to Success

Being a success is a complex journey; it is like a trek into an unknown wilderness, requiring various levels of planning, acquiring knowledge, building confidence and determination, an ability to focus, and many of the other crucial characteristics of the great pioneering adventurers.
The type of success that you are seeking may be very different to being the first to climb Mt Everest, but it is as well that you bear such an adventure in mind as you steer your way to your chosen destiny. Whatever it is, take small steps. Here is one possible approach to achieving success through taking eight steps:

Success Step 1 - SWOT Analysis

Carry out a SWOT analysis of yourself; that is, analyse your personal strengths and weaknesses, your opportunities and threats. Using SWOT analysis is a business tool that is easy to apply to yourself. To show you really mean business, ask friends, family and colleagues to check it out for you. There is no point in deluding yourself, and you could learn some very useful things that will aid your success.

Success Step 2 - Check List of What is needed to Succeed
Now that you have a broad idea of your strengths and weakness, you should check them against what is needed to achieve success in your chosen field. What is needed can include personal characteristics such as persistence, determination, and ability to listen and deal with setbacks.

Success Step 3 - Discuss With Those Close to You
Having taken stock of what is required to succeed in your chosen route, discuss it with anyone close to you who will be affected by your efforts. Remember, it is better to have strong support from those closest to you, especially if their lifestyle may be affected by your ambitions.

Success Step 4 - Make a Final Decision to Pursue Your Dream and Set Firm Objectives
Having gone through the assessment stages, and cleared everything with those who are very close to you, it is final decision time. Are you going for success, or holding back? If you have decided to go for your chosen success, then set yourself some firm objectives, or even just one firm objective; your own Mt Everest if you like.

Success Step 5 - Planning Your Success

Put together an outline plan of what you need to do to achieve the success for which you strive. It can be a list to begin with, a checklist of everything you have to do, including such things as knowledge gaps you need to fill, skills you need to acquire, and weaknesses you must address to guarantee long-term success. Set yourself a sensible timetable, breaking your ultimate success down into appropriate stages that make it easier for you to monitor progress. It is useful to learn from others who have gone for the same goal, and see how long it took them, and what their difficulties and setbacks were. That will help you to be better prepared than they were for dealing with problems along the way.
If you know how to do network and critical path analysis, then do so to help get your plan on a realistic basis, with correct priorities for each action and phase.

Success Step 6 - Monitor Progress

Monitoring your progress against the plan is vital. You may think you are doing well, when in fact you have omitted something critical or are far behind in a crucial task. Your plan is not set in stone; as part of your monitoring process, revise your plan to fill in the gaps and revise priorities. You will be learning all the time, so as you proceed your planning will become more and more accurate.

Step 7 - Be Frankly Critical With Yourself

You are getting closer to your goal, but need to follow through so you do not let yourself down in the final stages. Take a critical look at what you have achieved so far, maybe at the half way stage, and tell yourself frankly what and where you need to do better. Ask yourself if there are any obstructions to your ultimate success and how you can deal with them. Determine where you are letting yourself down, and decide what to do about it. Then add your new actions to your plans.

Step 8 - The Final Climb to the Peak

You are now getting close to your ultimate success; the peak is in sight, and the adrenalin is flowing as you prepare for the final assault on the summit - your goal is about to be reached. This is a time to take stock again, and prepare immaculately, leaving nothing to chance. A final check of your equipment and your knowledge, your health and your determination. Are they all ready to go? If so, then you are on your way, there is no stopping you now. You are a success; slip-ups are out of the question.

Reproduced from “Routes to Self Improvement”

Friday, October 16, 2009

Recession Proof Your Life!

Recession Proof Your Life!    Don’t Wait another moment you are only a Step away from Success!


2 Minutes of your life could change your wealth FOREVER!

www.DiamondRewards.net/tildo is a foolproof Uni Level Matrix System that delivers CASH fast!

*$150.00USD for every Member introduced - $300.00 after Qualifiers
*CASH and Rewards at Entry and Exit
*Portable wealth in the form of Cash and Diamonds
*Cycle as Many times as you want
*Positive Spillover and Dispersion NO DEAD DOWN LINES

Internet Marketing's most professional success stories have created and implemented a concept so easy and effective people are earning thousands of dollars a DAY!

We will teach you how to stuff your pockets with the fast cash you desperately need to...

        • conquer this recession

        • eliminate debt once and for all

        • create permanent financial freedom

Or even...

        • stop harassment from bill collectors

        • avoid humiliating foreclosure, and

        • save your credit

No matter how high your financial floodwaters have risen, you can be rescued!

Each expert has exposed his greatest wealth creating secrets... instantly granting ANYONE who can read the power to defeat this economic crisis and end their financial suffering.

All from the comfort of home using the power of the Internet...with the income making program www.diamondrewards.net/tildo

The result is an automatic online cash-generating system SIMPLE SAFE SECURE


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

We are going Global - Take a look

Diamond Rewards really is the revolutionary program of the internet! We have had amazing response worldwide and the results really do speak for themselves.

Thank you to my 250 odd friends in the USA today for joining in on a very successful conference call.

 I appreciate your questions and input and I truly do believe that our combined efforts and participation will make this an incredible income producing program.

Please take a look at our pages, Facebook profile and of course follow us on twitter - you need to - to keep up with all the Diamond Rewards action!

Chat soon, David

Sunday, October 11, 2009

South Africa team leading the way!

Isabel from South Africa has had an incredible weekend - Congratulations on all your new Members

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Going Global

Wow what a week - Congratulations to our new members from United States, Africa, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. Diamond Rewards really is going GLOBAL           www.diamondrewards.net